What to do with the artwork digital proof

Need4Print provides you an extensive, well-organised and high resolution digital proof of the designs that are to be printed. It is one of the first steps in ordering process and one of the most important to ensure that you get high quality custom products just the way you envisioned them to be.
Below are some frequently asked questions in regards to the digital proofing procedure.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

Will I be able to check any proof before my products are printed and ready to be dispatched?

For sure! We will make sure that your products turn out to be qualitative and extraordinary. Our graphic art team will design and/or fix up your design relative to printing procedures and our customer service department will send the digital proof to you via e-mail to check. Our team is really fast and reliable, so you will receive the digital proof rapidly and efficiently.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

What kind of proof is it?

A digital proof sent via e-mail is a soft copy of the finalised imitation of the printable design on a digital screen, exactly the way you envisioned it to be. We send the digital proof in .pdf file format that can be viewed on any desktop or mobile.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

What should I do with the digital proof?

A digital proof is your chance to review and check if there are any changes that you want to make or any new add-ons you want amended before the production starts. After approving the digital proof, the order is sent to eventually be printed and packaged so that it can sent to you.
Down below is a short example list for you, if you ponder about reviewing deeply:

  1. Are all of the spellings correct?
  2. Are the contact details correct, for example, phone number(s), website(s), etc.
  3. Is the layout correct or are there any changes required?
  4. Is the size correct or does the design need any reshaping?
  5. Are the colour and hues exactly as you envisioned them to be?

What will be on a .pdf digital proof?

We want the process to be easy, so we keep our digital proofs simple. We will put your design on a .pdf document, make an annotation of the size and indicate the cutline with a red line and thats it!

[See an example of a .pdf digital proof.]

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

What is a .pdf file?

Many people keep asking this question and we’d love to explain! ".pdf" is a file format that stands for "Portable Document Format". It’s an easily accessible file format that can be viewed on any desktop or device. Our .pdf digital proof file includes all the details of the finalised design.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

How much adequate is a .pdf file in terms of colour coordination?

.pdf files are not related to colour coordination scheme. We know it is a difficult situation but every printer has to face this problem. Real life is never shown absolutely exactly as it is on TVs, smartphones, monitors or any screen. Colours in real life are different to those of digital devices. Difficulty is contained within the technology itself. Digital devices are based on RGB colours and all printing in real life is based on CMYK colours. Still, we assure you that our digital proofs come very close to real life colours.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

What if I need colour matching?

Definitely! We can send you a sample printed through our company’s printing processes. We just want you to be 100% satisfied from your project with us. Though there may be a little extra expense for the hard copy to be sent to you and it might take a bit more time, but we’ll ensure that you receive your sample of the finalised design as soon possible.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

Do you match Pantone or PMS colours?

Surely! We print old generation silk screen as well in daily routine and most products are matched to Pantone colours. We can also match most of our Pantone colours when printing on the digital press with a 4-colour scheme structured off the Pantone colours.

, What to do with the artwork digital proof, Need4Print

Any further questionnaires or queries?

Ask us whatever you want and feel free to let us assist you for your very own convenience. We are here to serve you best with the required products you want from us and to get them as fast as possible.
Live chat with us, call us at +44 (0) 161 871 7459, or e-mail us at help@need4print.co.uk anytime (24/7).